Identify families in Bridgeport, CT, who are starting the process or are in the early stages of a homicide investigation of a family member or shooting victim. Justice Translators will personally embed with the families and create a bridge to investigators inside the Bridgeport Police Department. This phase will be documented via audio diaries which will be turned into a Justice Translator’s manual of SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) to roll out into other American cities.
Phase II
Create a Justice Translator point-of-contact inside the Bridgeport Police Department, that is active in law enforcement. This individual will become a community liaison and work with the families identified. They will provide their keen insight and experience to the families in assisting them to navigate the initial investigative process, and then the hand-off to the legal phase of their journey.
Phase III
Will be the development of the Justice Translators outpost inside a community that is dealing with gun violence issues. Our first Justice Translator member and the Bridgeport Police Department liaison will staff this outpost. We envision each office operating with a lead law enforcement liaison, key community member and volunteers. Each office will require a minimal amount of equipment and supplies to be identified later based on needs.